Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rite Aid great Colgate Toothpaste deal for week of 2/13/2011

Just checked the Rite Aid circular that starts 2/13/2011 and I'm glad I didn't buy Colgate toothpaste yet. Just saw the Total and Senstive are $3.50 with $3.50 UP re/wards. There is a 2 UPS per household limit.

I have 2 $1 off coupons that expire on the 19th.
My OOP (Out Of Pocket) will be $5 for 2 and I'll get back $7 in UPS.

Well just realized one of my coupons expired. So I can buy 1 for $3.50 get $1 off and pay $2.50. Get $3.50 ups and buy another one which will be free and get another $3.50 UPS back. Actually this works out better anyway. I'll get 2 for $2.50 and still have $3.50 in UPS left.

"Lightbulb moment" really I can get 3rd one for free and have spent $2.50 OOP for 3.  Now I'm actually glad one of the coupons was expired.

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